The Irregularization of Migration in Contemporary Europe

eBook - Detention, Deportation, Drowning

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781783481712
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 262 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2014
Format: EPUB
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Adobe DRM


Working from an interdisciplinary perspective that draws on the social sciences, legal studies, and the humanities, this book investigates the causes and effects of the extremities experienced by migrants.Firstly, the volume analyses the development and political-cultural conditions of current practices and discourses of bordering, illegality, and irregularization. Secondly, it focuses on the varieties of irregularization and on the diversity of the fields, techniques and effects involved in this variegation. Thirdly, the book examines examples of resistance that migrants and migratory cultures have developed in order to deal with the predicaments they face. The book uses the European Union as its case study, exploring practices and discourses of bordering, border control, and migration regulation. But the significance of this field extends well beyond the European context as the monitoring of Europes borders increasingly takes place on a global scale and reflects an internationally increasing trend.


Joost de Blooisis assistant professor in the departments of Cultural Analysis and Comparative Literature at the University of Amsterdam. He has published extensively on the nexus between contemporary culture and politics. He has co-authored two introductions in Cultural Studies (2009, 2010) as well as a volume on the thought of Alain Badiou (with Ernst van den Hemel, 2012). His book on contemporary communisms is forthcoming (2014).Robin Celikatesis associate professor of political and social philosophy and vice-director of the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis at the University of Amsterdam. He is the author ofKritik als soziale Praxis(Campus, 2009), the co-author ofEinführung in die politische Philosophie(Reclam, 2013) and the co-editor ofSocialité et reconnaissance(LHarmattan, 2007),Philosophie der Mo-ral(Suhrkamp, 2009) and ofTransformations of Democracy(Rowman& Littlefield International, 2014).Yolande Jansenis a senior researcher at the department of philosophy and the ACGS (Amsterdam Center for Globalisation Studies) of the University of Amsterdam. She is also a special professor for the Dutch Socrates Foundation, holding the chair of humanism in relation to religion and secularity at the VU University Amsterdam. She is the author of several journal articles and ofSecularism, Assimilation and the Crisis of Multiculturalism: French Modernist Legacies(AUP, 2013).


Acknowledgments / Introduction, Yolande Jansen, Robin Celikates, Joost de Bloois /Part I.Conditions for Extremities / 1. Extremities and Regularities: Regulatory Regimes and the Spectacle of Immigration Enforcement, Nicholas De Genova / 2. Deportability and Racial Europeanization: The Impact of Holocaust Memory and Postcoloniality on the Unfreedom of Movement in and to Europe, Yolande Jansen / 3.Illegal Migration in Post-Fordism, Serhat Karakayali /Part II. Varieties of Irregularization / 4. Death in the Meditteranean Sea: The Results of the Three Fields of Action of EU Border Controls, Didier Bigo / 5. The Perpetual Mobile Machine of Forced Mobility: Europes Roma and the Institutionalization of Rootlessness, Huub van Baar / 6. EU Border Control: Violence, Capture and Apparatus, Julien Jeandesboz / 7. Mediating the Med.: Surveillance and Counter Surveillance at the Southern Borders of Europe, Huub Dijstelbloem /Part III. Practices of Resistance/ 8. The Proliferation of Borders and the Right to Escape, Sandro Mezzadra / 9. The Rights of the Irregularized: Constitutional Struggles at the Southern Border of the EU, Sonja Buckel / 10. Undocumented Migrant Activism and the Political Economy of Visibility: We Are Here!, Juan M. Amaya-Castro / 11. Refocalizing Irregular Migration: New Perspectives on the Global Mobility Regime in Contemporary Visual Culture, Esther Peeren / Conclusion, Joost de Bloois, Robin Celikates, Yolande Jansen / Bibliography / Index / Notes on Contributors

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