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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781444327786
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 448 S., 14.89 MB
Auflage: 2. Auflage 2010
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Adobe DRM


Nutrition and Metabolism

Nutrition and Metabolism

In this second edition of the second title in the acclaimed Nutrition Society Textbook Series,Nutrition and Metabolism has been revised and updated to meet the needs of the contemporary student.

Ground-breaking in scope and approach, this title:Provide students with the required scientific basics of nutrition in the context of a systems and health approachEnable teachers and students to explore the core principles of nutrition, to apply these throughout their training, and to foster critical thinking at all timesIs fully peer-reviewed, to ensure completeness and clarity of content, as well as to ensure that each book takes a global perspective

Nutrition and Metabolism is an essential purchase for students of nutrition and dietetics, and also for those students who major in other subjects that have a nutrition component, such as food science, ­medicine, pharmacy and nursing. Professionals in nutrition, dietetics, food science, medicine, health sciences and many related areas will also find much of great value within its pages.

Other books in the Nutrition Society Textbook Series

Introduction to Human Nutrition ISBN 9781405168076

Clinical Nutrition ISBN 9780632056262Public Health Nutrition ISBN 9780632056279

For further information, companion material for use with these textbooks, and full details of how to purchase them, visit: www.wiley.com/go/nutritionsociety


About the Editors

Susan A Lanham-New, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, UK.

Ian A Macdonald, University of Nottingham, UK.

Helen M Roche, School of Public Health and Population Science, University College Dublin, Ireland.


Contributors vii

Series Foreword ix

Preface x

First Edition Acknowledgments xi

Dedication xiii

1 Core Concepts of Nutrition 1Ian A Macdonald and Michael J Gibney

2 Molecular Aspects of Nutrition 7Helen M Roche, Herman E Popeijus and Ronald P Mensink

3 Integration of Metabolism 1: Energy 35Xavier M Leverve

4 Integration of Metabolism 2: Macronutrients 49Keith N Frayn and Abayomi O Akanji

5 Integration of Metabolism 3: Protein and Amino Acids 72Margaret E Brosnan, John T Brosnan and Vernon R Young

With grateful appreciation to the outstanding work of Dr Vernon Young formally of MIT, USA (19372004)

6 Pregnancy and Lactation 102Joop MA van Raaij and Lisette CPGM de Groot

7 Growth and Ageing 119Mark L Wahlqvist and Prasong Tienboon

8 Nutrition and the Brain 155John D Fernstrom and Madelyn H Fernstrom

9 The Sensory Systems and Food Palatability 184Conor M Delahunty

10 The Gastrointestinal Tract 205Mariano Mañas, Emilio Martínez de Victoria, Angel Gil, María D Yago and John C Mathers

11 The Cardiovascular System 247Gabriele Riccardi, Angela A Rivellese and Christine M Williams

12 The Skeletal System 272John M Pettifor, Ann Prentice, Kate Ward and Peter Cleaton-Jones

13 The Immune and Inflammatory Systems 312Parveen Yaqoob and Philip C Calder

Additional resources are published on the books website: www.wiley.com/go/nutmet

14 Phytochemicals 339Aedín Cassidy and Colin D Kay

15 The Control of Food Intake 353Adam Drewnowski and France Bellisle

16 Overnutrition 360Linda Bandini, Albert Flynn and Renee Scampini

17 Undernutrition 378Paul Kelly

18 Exercise Performance 387Asker E Jeukendrup and Louise M Burke

Index 418

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